For The Love Of Dogs
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Also, dog owners have a greater chance to survive after suffering from a
serious illness. Several studies have discovered that pet owners who
suffered from a heart attack were more likely to be alive a year after they
were discharged from the hospital than those who did not own pets.
Another New York study found that pets affected their survival rate more
even more than the presence or company of family members or friends.
For The Love Of Dogs
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3) Fewer visits to the doctor - Studies conducted at Cambridge and UCLA
have found that owning a pet corresponds to overall improved health and
less need for hospital visits. A Medicare study of its elderly patients also
discovered that those who own dogs visit the doctor less than those who
dont have a pet.
4) Mental Wellness - Patients who have dogs have also been known to
have better emotional health than their counterparts. They offer
unconditional love and affection; their presence alone helps reduce
loneliness for sick people who have otherwise been isolated. Several studies
of people with major illnesses have shown that the stress of fighting the
disease is significantly reduced when they had a dog as company.
As you can see, having a dog is a great investment, for the joy that you get
from owning one and the health benefits that you can receive. So, go out
and get a dog!
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